Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Bracelet Adventure

I have successfully been making ladies jewelry and decided to branch out and make some for girls.  Of course I ran it by the girliest young girl I know, my very own Madison, and she thought it was an awesome idea!  I have started making bracelets for girls and a matching one for her 18" doll (in our case the American Girl dolls; however, they fit all of the other 18" dolls I have tried). 

This is a small sampling of them.  I have done a few girls parties and shipped them off to a few friends.  If you are interested, please let me know at iamacraftypants@gmail.com and I will personalize them for you any way you'd like. 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Lanterns Anyone?

After too many days in the house (due to a variety of events), I decided to take on a brand new craft with the girls; Yarn Lanterns.  The pictures I saw of previous ones looked easy enough for an 8 and 3.5 year old to tackle, but let's just say it was quite more challenging than I anticipated.  

"getting string-i-fied"
waiting for some string
ready to dry

Neeless to say, after 48 hours of drying time and a little jewelry cord, we have ourselves a new crafted lantern.  All she needs is a battery operated tea light and she will be perfect!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

High School Reunion

This is my first blog, so here goes....  

Saturday we had our 20 year High School Reunion (gulp, I feel old) and I of course took on the task of wanting to do some of the creative things (which of course is nothing new).

My girlfriend Danni and I took on a task of making a banner.  With her clever plastic tablecloth and white duct tape purchase, we turned it into a masterpiece (if I do say so myself).  I then used my trusty Cricut machine and cut out the letters.  We won't tell you the drama endured trying to get cardstock letters to stick to a plastic table cloth, but needless to say, it came out better than we could have thought! 

I have been making these "truffles" that I have been told are "like crack" (not that I'd know or anything since I've never been remotely near the stuff, so I'll take their word for it).  I decided to put them on lollipop sticks this time and drizzle our school colors.  Needless to say, they were a huge hit and now everyone wants the secret recipe to the "magic pops." Don't they just look Yummy?!?! 

Stay tuned for more things from my "Crafty Pants"